Thursday, November 25, 2004

Sustainable Government

Sustainable Government
One of my interests is the application of sustainable development and smart growth principles in Connecticut. 
These terms may not be familiar or their meanings may be seen as out in the ether.  I use the Bruntland definition of sustainable development, roughly, carefully considered development which does not exhaust resources that should be left for future generations.  Try for more information.  Later, my own website will bring it all home.
Washington, Oregon, Maryland, New Jersey, Vermont, Massachusetts are all significant states in the groundswell of smart growth public policy.  In Connecticut, the number of organizations talking about the subject, adopting principles in their decision-making and educating the public on not only technicalities but the need for engaged public decision-making has blossomed in the last few years.
Here are some initiatives you can keep and ear out for.  I encourage you to attend a local public meeting.
CenterEdge Coalition, founded by the Archdiocese of Hartford, presenting the results of the Myron Orfield study of demographic trends in Connecticut at public forums where political leaders and experts in this science converse with citizens.
Planning offices, Development officers, Housing developer and Chief Elected officials in cities and towns all across Connecticut are introducing principles of smart growth and sustainable development to their planning and development activities.
A number of commissions, studies and reports have been undertaken, sponsored by the State, by regional planning organizations and by private foundations.  In the coming months I will be attempting to catalog and address them at
What made the states mentioned earlier noteworthy in the field of Smart Growth was the strong leadership of a Governor with a vision in this area.  That leadership is yet to emerge in Connecticut.  But I and many like me are hopeful that the groundswell of public interest and clamor has begun and the vision will emerge from our current or a future Governor.