Thursday, November 25, 2004


Aaaahhh, Turkey Day!
Will this writing be the inevitable "what I am thankful for this year" speach?  We shall see... 
Looks like it...
For living in a country where disputed elections are confronted peacefully and both sides of the political spectrum recognize the need for improvement.
For the continued health of my parents who, despite accumulating problems, are well.
For all the John Lewis, Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Vendanna Shiva and others who inspire activists and make sure they will never feel alone. 
For media such as DemocracyNow, the Nation, Air America Radio and Nightline, who spread the word.  For PBS shows like Frontline an NOW and smaller productions that educate us so well.
For the Internet as a tool for political action, and how it is changing the world.
For a steady job that provides a roof, food, clothing and heat.
For the inner drive that someday I will be an agent of significant change.