Friday, January 21, 2005

I don't want to sound disrespectful, but...

What, we are supposed to roll over and allow this punk from the Red State Syndicate rule this nation unchallenged? Mandate-My-Ass! Congratulations to the Diebold CEO and Secretary of State in Ohio who "delivered" that state for Bush... Not holding my breath, but I am waiting for the Federal endictments.

I am sure there is too much being written already tonight, but after wanting to get back to my Blog for three weeks now, I MUST take innauguration day as the opportunity to do so.

Hey, George, ask voters in Ohio who are still waiting in line what they think about you defending tyranny.

Turn Your Back on Bush
My Howard Dean for America lawn sign is back up and will probably stay until he is Chair of the DNC.

Not One Damn Dime
I bought lunch at the office cafeteria today, that's it.

Did you hear that friggin speach? I learned something. I never knew... The United States of America is perfect, and its all the other countries that are flawed. Thanks for the foreign relations lesson, Shrub.

Nuff said.