Friday, March 21, 2008

The Hills Have Lawn Signs

Arrived in two and three quarter hours, small delay at NY state line for I-84 emergency road repair. Windy as hell, I don't think of my car as high profile for side wind but it was getting pushed all over the place.

Turf partner Catherine and I went to two subdivisions in the hills above Scranton, Clarks Summit. No, no stuffed bear on a pole. (obscure New Hampshire reference)
Knocked on doors for 60 people, independents. I got one McCain, two might be Hillary, probably eight people including mentioned family members are definite for Obama. Same ratio with Catherine, so indies are for Obama it seems. Everyone was Civil, most were quite friendly, invited me in right away to give my pitch. Registration effort from the two of us resulted in probably ten new Dem voters, though only two gave us completed forms. Most were family members not home but wanting to sign up, would mail. Hilly!

Anyway, valley industrial town, churches all over the place, Obama HQ has a green O'Bama motiff because he spoke here on the 17th. Hilton was $65 on nice hotel, parking is $10 but WiFi is free.

With all the voter registration supposed to happen tomorrow, the office right now has only 1.5 packs of forms, about sixty. Alex and Gillian and a third young woman are working here. The have tons of square footage but weak Internet.

County Commissioner is big Obama supporter and providing food to the office, decent pizza and awesome bakery cookies!

Tomorrow, Saturday, more canvassing with hopefully CT volunteers coming in.