Thursday, February 17, 2005

Anti-Social Promotion

Central America, 1980's
United States military, paramilitary and intelligence advisors train, supervise and oversee right wing death squads as popular democratic movements are crushed. 
Negroponte was there.
Eary 2000's
United States is implicated in spying on senior United Nations officials in New York and Geneva.
Negroponte was there.
US "Advisors" train Iraqi army and police forces as the effort expands to eliminate those resisting the invadors.
Negroponte was there
First Torture Czar named to US administration (Director of National Intelligence)
Negroponte is the man.
After promoting all those who fucked up the Iraq war, Bush has turned to those who have fucked up previous wars.
Interestingly, on this same day, ChoicePoint, the company they used to disenfranchise voters in Florida in 2000, the company they will use to spy on your personal and financial activities into their compiled superdatabase (no paranoia here, just too lazy to go get the technical term, probably Patriot Act something or other) today conceeded that the personal financial records of thousands of Americans were, in a breach of security, delivered to a Nigerian national, thief.
Goodbye Haliburton.  Hello, Choicepoint.  Guarantee, Negroponte or his minion meets with them in the next four months.     ...unless they already have an office in his suite.