Saturday, September 22, 2007

Connectiuct Local Politics

It's been too easy, the last ten months, to stick my head in the sand and pretend that there were no races here in Connecticut worth my attention.

Sadly, I realized I was wrong too late two weeks ago when an appeal for help from the Chris Caruso campaign came too late, four days before Primary, for me to get to Bridgeport and help this fellow progressive in his run for Mayor. The Party candidate won.

In Hartford, I always saw the "Left Of Lieberman" (Democratic) challenge as a loser with too many candidates to cause Unsteady Eddie Perez to do anything but laugh his way to victory. Art Feltman did terribly, was it 13%?

In New Haven, Ralph Ferrucci is running against DeStefano as a Green. But I use "running" generously. The Campaign must realize their various resources are too sparce to be "managed" but need the candidate and his staffer to stand up and "lead".

Things are heating up, however. With Ned Lamont, progressive Connecticut Bloggers, and others pushing Jim Himes in our Fourth Congressional District. Diane Farrell laid the groundwork. Ned Lamont stirred up the masses. 2008 will be when a Dem retakes this district!

Another New Start

For, uh, like a year now I have been kicking myself for not getting back to this Blog and just posting frequent, short, political comments. Here I am, back and all Bloggered where I had formerly been Blogspotted. Enjoy. Comments? Eh. Maybe.