Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Haven Connecticut 2007 Mayoral Race

Tonight I attended a mayoral candidate’s debate at Gateway Community College in New Haven. The school’s president welcomed us and a poli sci class attended. She said the school wants to increase its involvement with community issues.
Three candidates. One pleasantly surprised me. One met my expectations that I would be disappointed. One made it clear he was not for me.
Twelve year incumbent and last year’s Dem nominee for Governor, John DeStefano laid out an impressive legacy of achievement and addressing issues. Sufficiently so that his To Do list of issues still needing attention did not seem entirely disingenuous. While there is so much more to do, clearly, he has not been sitting on his ass and has worked hard to address many of New Haven’s problems as well as wider structural issues.
Green candidate Ralph Ferrucci was earnest in his approach to the debate, but should have better researched his talking points. The uninformed might be impressed by his call for a requirement that City funded construction projects employ a percent of City low income residents, but others know that Federal Section 3 requirements and City Ordinance are enforced by an active, capable and DeStefano supported office of the Commission on Equal Opportunities. There were other examples of Ferrucci calling for the establishment of that which already exists and functions in this City.
Richter Elser is GOP and came across as GOP. New Haven would crumble and collapse under his vision of lower taxation.
Another debate is scheduled. Although I appreciate all I heard and learned tonight, I see no reason to pay attention to the second act. So Big John will stroll on to victory, the only real suspense will be whether he can top 80% of the popular vote and whether the Board of Aldermen can go 30-0 Democrats.